UBO*, DGA | Security Director KSDA Cargo Mobility and Transport | CSP | DPO | Strategic Business Associate of MSS BV/SAS and C5 Security Consultancy | UK/EU Independent Aviation Security Validator, ACC3-RA3-KC3 | EVAAS Board Member | Ambassador CYSSEC Schiphol | Advisor AEO / CTPAT | Licensed Trainer / Instructor AVSEC Cargo & Mail and AEO Cargo & Mail UBO*, DGA | Security Director EU KSDA2 Cargo Mobility and Transport | CSP | DPO | Cargo & Mail Security Supervisor & Security Manager | Strategic Business Associate of MSS BV/SAS and C5 Security Consultancy | UK/EU Independent Aviation Security Validator, ACC3-RA3-KC3 | EVAAS Board Member | Ambassador CYSSEC Schiphol | Advisor AEO 2.0 / CTPAT | Licensed Trainer/Instructor AVSEC Cargo & Mail NOBB Modules MLV, CLV, SeS & SeM | XRAY DV application is in progress | Study NL-POB @ Laudius for Detective Logistics & CyberCrime Prevention |

SMEI Agency B.V. (The Netherlands)
Accredited by the Ministry of Justice and Security under Dienst Justis | NL-POB 1292 | Accredited by the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) upon supervision and execution of the Supervisory Authority on Civil Aviation Security (BTBB).
1118 LE Schiphol Airport | Anchoragelaan 50 | The Netherlands

+31 (0) 630954556 (Mobile | WhatsApp | Signal)
https://evaas.eu | https://www.securemove-eu.com | https://ceiv.securemove-eu.com
deltaforce@securemove-eu.com | ceiv.96343@securemove-eu.com | r.don@evaas.eu

IDs, VGBs and copy of training certificates transmitted by e-mail to attend an NL AVSEC Training Course acc. to NOBB, and as required by the AVG / GDPR (with the exception of 28-05-2018), will be destroyed right after the assessment due to privacy legislation.

General terms and conditions and privacy statement has been deposited under Ref. Nr. KvK03/2051505 – 04022020 / KvK Nr. 24.382.211 / VAT Nr. NL

SMEI Agency B.V. is officially UBO registered as part of the Trade register.

The UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner)-register provides insight into the UBOs and thus contributes to preventing the use of the financial system for fraud, terrorism financing or money laundering. All EU countries have their own UBO register because this is mandatory under European regulations: the fourth anti-money laundering directive (EU Directive 2015/849). In the Netherlands, the UBO register is legally regulated in the Wwft Implementation Decree 2018, the Trade Register Act 2007 and the Trade Register Decree 2008. The UBO register is part of the Trade Register.